Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Medical Situation

For those of you that know me, I've been trying to figure out a breathing issue since late December. Today, the s*@t hit the fan (by the way, that is not a link). After 3 consecutive asthma med trials (ProAir, QVar and Symbicort +Ventolin), an ER visit, 2 X-rays, a CT scan, 2 EKG's, multiple bloodwork panels, a visit to the pulmonologist, cardiologist and allergist, Pulmonary Function Tests, thyroid ultrasound (for a small thyroid nodule), an ENT evaluation, and an upper GI endoscopy (today - for a small hiatal hernia), I have NO ANSWERS. Nobody can tell me what in the hell is going on. Even with the hernia, the thyroid nodule and the slightly elevated TSH levels, I am the "picture of health" per the multiple doctors I've seen. I suppose I'm just making all of this up and spending thousands of dollars while I'm at it? Uh, just FYI, docs, I'm an Ironman triathlete and I'd venture to say I have a pretty high pain threshold.

So I've decided to take matters into my own hands (even more so) by dumping my old GP and finding somebody who will actually LISTEN to me and HELP me (go figure), and I am starting/continuing (I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago) a gluten/dairy free diet to see if that will help additionally. I'll continue taking the Prilosec they've given me because that is the only other thing besides the GF diet that has helped somewhat.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Wish me luck.

In the meantime, I got my PT job at LPAC!!! Woot. (

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